Some words about me.

4th year student. I study in a wide variety of specialties.
The main activity is web programming, Full Stack.
I have experience in developing commercial projects, confident knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, the Webpack build system, the saas / scss, less preprocessors, as well as web frameworks React, Next.js, as well as Vue and Nuxt.js I
perfectly understand all the work with REST API and GraphQL.


What I can do best.
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My promising career.
2022 – Now

Senior Software Engineer at SBER BANK

React FrontEnd Developer

Russia, Moscow

At the moment i am working as a React FrontEnd Engineer at Sberbank. I develop and maintain the company's internal services. Working with TypeScript / React / Redux (Saga) / Material UI stack

2021 – 2022

Web Development Specialist at Orange Data

FullStack Developer

Russia, Moscow

I was working as a Full Stack developer at Orange Data . I developed and maintained the company's internal services. Working with React / Redux / Material UI stack

2020 – 2021

Teacher of IT courses at the Kodabra School


Russia, Moscow

Teacher of WEB, Unity and Python courses. During the courses, my students and I developed site projects based on Bootstrap, made games based on PyGame, as well as 3D shooters on Unity.

2019 – 2020

Lead Developer of GetKnow Online Chinese School

FullStack Developer

Russia, Moscow

Startup project of an online learning platform. The platform is based on a video call with a chat based on OpenVidu using WebRTC technology. It also supports automatic recording of lessons with subsequent viewing in your personal account. On this project, I had to work with setting up a mail server on a Linux machine, raising the OpenVidu server and setting up streaming streams, as well as setting up payment through Yandex Checkout. The stack used is this: AdonisJS / Postgresql on the backend and Vue / Vuex / Ant Design on the front. As a result, we successfully launched the school, which continues to function to this day. The project turned out to be very interesting due to its diversity. From it, I learned a very large experience, which has come in handy to me more than once to this day.

2019 – 2019

AmoCRM plugin developer at RocketSales

Frontend Developer

Russia, Moscow

In my first job, I was assigned to develop plugins for the AmoCRM platform. I then worked with the Vue / Vuex / Ant Design stack


Self-development is my way.
2018 – Now

Russian Technological University MIREA


Russia, Moscow

At the university, I study in the field of computer security with a focus on artificial intelligence technologies. But in fact, we study everything. Starting from the first year, we studied the languages ​​C / C ++, C #, Java, Python, passed computer networks, as well as the basic languages ​​of the web. It was the web that hooked me the most. So, even in my first year, I decided to develop in this direction and devote myself to this business.